25 May 2009

nog een meisje! (another girl)

early this morning, members of the community became the proud parents of a second daughter. Yay! Congratulations! (or as we would say in dutch, "Gefeliciteerd!")

the baby was born at home, as is typical in the netherlands. the couple lives a half floor above me - and there was apparently quite a bit of noise on the stairs early this morning as the necessary people came and went. having been camping all weekend, i was utterly exhausted and heard nothing until i came downstairs for coffee and was told that i had to ask the older sister what her new news was! shortly thereafter i bumped into the proud father and was offered a rusk with pink hagelslag (it's what the dutch serve when there's a baby girl!)

what makes this baby a bit more special for me is that she is born only 2.5 weeks after my sister also had her second daughter (Yay Emily!). and thus, as i enjoy seeing this new little girl of the community grow up, i will also have the joy of being reminded of how my newest niece is growing up back in Canada.

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