20 January 2007

flight ´home´

i just purchased my tickets home (and home again)!

i got the tickets from United (their online site) - and although i´m stuck in Chicago airport for hours on the 10th (and so don´t get into Detroit until 11 at night), the only airline that could compare with their price was a charter flight out of Toronto (and Detroit is much closer to my parents´ house). and so the minor inconvenience of a long layover (where i´ll probably just want to sleep anyway and/or get ready for seeing everybody again) is pretty minor compared to my delight in getting a decent priced ticket (under 600 US) for such a long stay and a flight during the summer busy season.

i´m to leave here on 10 May and leave there on 16 July - which means i´ll be home for Mother´s Day (and hopefully my sister will have just become a new mother), and be able to stay through until my other sister´s birthday. and then be excited and ready to come back to Amsterdam, with school, languages, some kind of work, the community and the various programmes that the community is hoping to try out this summer.

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