28 December 2007

angels watching over us

last week i forgot to blow out the candles in the advent wreath after evening chapel. at 2 a.m. the fire alarm went off. the people rushing to check out the alarm found the smoke and the smell and quickly put out the remains of the wreath.

we are all deeply thankful that God protected us via the fire alarm. and i am thankful that we could joke about how it was about time to have a fire drill - and now we've seen that people know what to do in case of a fire - get up, turn out the alarm, have people check for fire, and be ready to leave the house and help others (especially children) also leave. and i am also thankful that people can tease each other (especially me) about remembering to blow out the candles. and we have been talking about a safer way for next year, for i am not the only foolish one living in the house.

zr. Seraphim commented that the black circle on the chapel floor left from the wreath will help us remember advent for awhile. and it will also remind us of God's continued protection over our house.


dave said...

i'm glad everyone is okay.

a cunning collect for your community?
Eternal God, this night is radiant with the brilliance of your one true light, kindle a growing joy in the house and keep all wreathed in your protection... or something like that. Amen

J.G.H. said...

Wow Brenda, sure am glad to hear there was no serious effects from your "ring of fire"! Praise God!