03 January 2008

more transitions

two days ago i celebrated new year's eve amidst the crashing of fireworks in amsterdam. yesterday i spent the day travelling - begun with a walk through too much garbage and too many semi-awake tourists and ending with a sleepy and snowy drive from Detroit to Grand Rapids (thankfully i wasn't driving). today has been getting settled and making preparations. and tomorrow i start teaching. the shift in continents on new year's day has not helped my transition to a new year.

my body's adjustment to the time zone has been going well, although the cold i've been fighting for a week has not helped. most of the words coming out of my mouth are english, although i do speak to the cat in dutch (it has the same non-effect as my speaking to him in english). but transitioning is still taking awhile - not only to adjust to different time zones and language - but also to things like a dishwasher, using cars so much, television, eating with fewer people, miles, no cell phone, no bells on the quarter hour, and more that i've already forgotten.

and i will miss the crazy community that i'm part of (although a break from some of the craziness will hopefully allow me to be more academically productive for awhile and have more energy to appreciate and live amidst the craziness). i will miss the daily prayers. and i will miss the people there that i love. but (and i will recognize this better when i'm functioning slightly more), i'm excited about the adventure of teaching again and visiting the people and places that i love on this continent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to North America! Glad to hear that the traveling went well, even if the transition isn't 100% easy!