08 March 2007

an article about the journey

for a long time, i’ve heard and thought about how being a Christian means that i am on a journey. the journey is not necessarily geographical (although for me it has been!), but is instead about following the leading of God - however He leads. and it means i never get to ‘arrive’ as a Christian (i.e. i never get to stop growing as a Christian [even if some days i think i’m good enough – or at least better than others]). who i am and who i am becoming is to reflect continually reflect God’s working in me. and the journey is made up of God working in me to change that which i ought not to have become and work through who i struggle to be. at times, the journey seems a bit overwhelming – but it is one that i don’t do alone – but do so with the grace of God and along with many other pilgrims.

i was reminded of the journey of Christianity – and the tension between being and becoming – in reading an article by Scott Cairnes (a poet) as he talks of his journey to a monastery. The article is quite long but worth reading (at least partially). The first half shares an honest longing to be more who God has for us to be (something that resonates with me) while the second half is focused more on the monastery he visits.

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