29 November 2006

Returning to full-time Studies

Last week marked my official return to full-time studies. The irony is that it was also the first week that I wasn't using my laptop since I first got it almost a year ago (it is waiting for a visit to the Apple store but I've had too much homework to do to get there yet).

And on paper, I've been a full-time student since September 2005 but since sometime in July doing schoolwork has not exactly been the dominant task of each week. Last week, however, it was. And I'm glad to return to it, feeling that I've had a good break from studying. I'm disappointed that my Dutch is not better already (and doing more schoolwork means I do less Dutch - instead i look at French and German!), and I'll miss getting to spend as much time going to chapels and 'hanging out' in the common room but the fact that I've been contentedly reading and taking notes for school for much of my Friday and Saturday (days I tend to slack off) indicates that I've returned to something that I truly love.

And just like this break of a few months has reminded me again how much I love studying, learning Dutch and 'hanging out' will be delightful short breaks so that school doesn't become my entire life (like it was for most of last year). And hopefully I can get back to writing and finishing thesis one even as i'm progressing nicely on thesis two :)

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