28 February 2011

a short visit

I have been working on a number of random projects this last month: a translation, an article on Ezekiel 18, teaching a couple of Old Testament seminars, making some entries for an online biblical dictionary, and so on. Plus, of course, all the usual life things. It's been good, except for a problem with deadlines - I'm currently behind on the last of the two projects, which has caused a bit of havoc with all the other usual life things - including updating the blog.

But my sister Janice managed to plan a conference in Europe for her work - and took a side trip to visit here kast weekend. It was lovely to do some fun things together and to catch up. The only problem was that it reminded me again of how far away I am from the lives of my family living back in Canada. And I find that hard sometimes.

Here are photos of our day out in Rotterdam :)

a promotional concert (Blof) that we bumped into walking along

random art work - oil barrels

there's nothing quite like dutch toys

our tourboat

a fully loaded ship

loading and unloading
Ship repairs
Currently the New York Hotel, but formerly the place where people emigrated to America

me and Janice

The cube houses


Unknown said...

You saw Bløf !!!! And did you like it?

Brenda Kronemeijer-Heyink said...

Yeah, I did. I like rock music, and it made me think of the classic rock stuff that I grew up on :)