06 April 2006

for the sake of the kingdom

As I was trying to figure out what was wrong with my car, I asked someone highly competent in fixing things to look at it for me. Much to my surprise, he said that he knew nothing about cars. Turns out that instead of learning about cars when he was growing up, he’d spent all his time playing ball. Having personally discovered the importance of knowing about cars, I wondered if this loss of knowledge was worth it – and so I asked whether he was good at it. And he said, yes, he was very good. Which surprised me, as most Calvinist folk tend to be rather humble about their abilities.

Turns out that he had been approached by a scout from the Dodgers. And was asked whether he would play on Sunday. He said, no, and that was the end of that, unfortunately.

And I was surprised and honoured by the conversation. Surprised at the turn at it had taken and honoured that he was willing to share that with us. And delighted to be able to shake the hand of someone who had that kind of talent.

I was still processing it a bit later that night as I told my roommate about it. Her response captures it well: “What he gave up for the sake of the kingdom.” And part of me wishes that he hadn’t had to. How amazing that would have been! And how God might have used him!

And yet, another part of me realizes that if that had happened, I probably wouldn’t know him today. Nor would he be the person he is now. And I’m thankful to know him now: I see his smile on a regular basis – and know that he loves God and loves life. And that he really is glad for everyone who has been able to follow his/her dreams. And I have been blessed by his care for me and others.

And his story reminds me that it is often in the ‘ordinary folk’ that God holds His greatest surprises. After all, He works in ways that we don’t expect or immediately see.

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