27 March 2006

holding on to things lightly

i've always thought that i was good at sharing my things. after all, i lend my car out to people. i've gotten a little leery about that lately, but that has more to do with it getting old than somebody hurting it any. it's broken down on me a few times, so i've gotten used to it, but i'd feel bad if it happened to somebody else.

and i lend out books and share my time and have even gotten good at sharing food with roommates. so in my estimation i was doing well.

then a friend asked to borrow my laptop for the night. and i freaked. i made him explain why he'd want to use it (it was a reasonable request, it was only a short time, etc.) but even without the explanation, i knew that i would have to lend it to him. it's just a computer after all, and even if it's delightful, nothing is that important that i can't let it go for awhile and help out a friend.

it came back fine the next day. no surprise. and i learned another lesson about holding on to thing less tightly.

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