14 January 2006

to go public or not

I think the answer is 'sure'.

although by nature blogs are public, i could live somewhat anonymously on it. just let it sit there with minimal information. and random thoughts. and it would be anonymous until i put my full name on it (my name is such that if you google it, it really is me 95% of the time). but even with my full name, i could just wait until people i know wonder onto the blog.

i guess it comes down to why i've joined the blog phase. a friend of mine mentioned that people either write blogs out of anger or pride. neither choice puts me in a good light. so i'll go with pride. but still claim that this is part of my joining a conversation that's been going on around me. and maybe share a bit of my story with the hope that it is a blessing to others.

and if i'm going to blog, it'd be nice if it were read. and if it's going to be read, shouldn't i want it to be by at least some people who know me? definitely (even if i want this to be a place of conversation with more than just people i already know). besides, the people i know will hold me in check. and as for those that i teach, by this time i've done enough 'batty' things in class that i'm not worried about any of students 'discovering' inappropriate things about me.

Guess I'll be sending out an email to friends to let them know about this, eh?

and maybe share a bit more about my life while i'm at it. I've been teaching a January interim class at Calvin College on what it means to be Reformed and about truth (and postmodernity). it's been a lot of fun for me (and hopefully at least some for my students). It's delightful to get to do what i want to keep doing for the rest of my life. and to get a sense that this really is what i ought to be doing. hallelujah!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I get to be your first comment. Thanks for going public. Maybe I will some day, too. But not today. I have seen you from afar and thought..."This woman appears to be brilliant, I wonder what she thinks." So, I'm glad you're sharing.

Carlos said...

Hey Brenda! It great to see that you are now part of the blog sphere.

brad said...

Hey Brenda, cool to see you started this blogging thing--everyone comes around eventually, I guess. See ya around,