21 February 2015


I spent half of last week visiting a monastery (St Gregory's in Three Rivers). It was good, as you might be able to sense from the pictures below. 

Part of the good was that I spent time working on my dissertation. Another good was that I had time to prep for our study on Job by reading the book and part of a commentary. Still more good was time spent in Church, immersed in the Psalms. I also had the unexpected chance to fast, as they forgot to tell us ahead of time that there was no breakfast or lunch served on Ash Wednesday. That too was good. And the last good? Matthijs was with me, and he delighted being there with me (and spending time in the library :))

The following pictures are from our visit late in the fall. It was also beautiful and refreshing then. After all the changes that had happened in the previous months, it felt like I desperately needed the beauty and prayers that are part of this place.

I am thankful that this last visit felt less intense, less of a realignment. Instead it felt like more of a gentle reminder of how things can and should be.

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