03 January 2022

Strength for the ordinary

As we face another January that is shaped by a pandemic and pivoting, my prayer is that I would be able to trust that God would give us enough strength and hope in all of it - and that I might see the joys of the world around me, even if it's only the proud exclamations of my child's colouring of a Paw Patrol character (or a lunch picnic in her bedroom). 

A poem by Lisa Rieck about Mary's response to the angel's news, posted at InterVarsity's Well, resonated with me - about the challenges of living into what we are being asked to do. I can be filled with adrenaline for a new challenge, but it's a lot harder to actually follow through with a project and to keep my heart open to hope and love.

The following is an excerpt:

"In that moment, 
our holiness soars to its feet, ready to 
greet whatever epic task was just passed to us.
It’s the next moments that matter...
when no one knows what to say to a girl who
claims her seeming disgrace is actually 
good news of grace for the world.
I hope then that I will still 
be the Lord’s servant, opening 
my hands to welcome, like a 
womb, the Word that is being fulfilled." 
Lisa Rieck 

I encourage you to read the full poem here.

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