11 February 2008

entering lent

changing continents and holding temporary jobs have messed up a bit my sense of time (the school calendar, which i've always used to keep time, has had a little less impact on my life this year since i'm not teaching full-time nor taking classes). the church calendar has helped provide a more solid sense of time, but since lent is early this year, i feel a bit behind - and still not quite in the right time.

but i am slowly adjusting to it being lent. i haven't (yet) intentionally given anything up this year - instead, i am participating in the actions of the community. once again, we've become vegetarian as a community (although fish and eggs are considered acceptable). we've given up dessert - and have substituted it with a candy. and the evening meal is held in silence with music playing in the background. Sundays are "feast days" and so we eat meat, dessert, and talk the whole way through. But for the rest of the time, things are different - and we all participate (even the 2-year-old children know how to be silent).

i appreciate the quiet and the change. it makes conversation during other times a bit more special and more intentional. and it makes me appreciate certain food more. and i like that we all do it for it is easier then - and even a blessing in the solidarity. i'm not sure how i remember lent when i am away from the community - we will see how much i can remain a vegetarian (and whether i really am willing to give up ice cream if i have to choose for myself :)). but besides the desire to be somewhat in solidarity with the community here, i also want to use the time to remember the gifts i have - and that by giving them up for awhile, i realize again how much of a gift they really are. and also that i might see again a bit more clearly what really matters.

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